To help more customers find the best tonearm option for their audio systems, the Reed team introduced a new 2B finish.
We sincerely thank our distributor in Japan REAL Soundlab Japan Corporation for the annual Reed products display at one of the major international sho
We gladly want to share with you that in the latest Fall 2023 Edition of the Stereophile Magazine's Recommended Components list as well as in Recommen
We adhere to the scientific approach and believe that the best result can be achieved by carefully calculating, researching and testing. Tonearm is mechanical, acoustical and electronic system. The set of parameters of this system determine the tonearm “sound”. Here are the main parameters.
Production of the tonearm is a process, which requires not only knowledge, scientific preparation, but also ingenuity and creativity. For the sake of curiosity, we gathered some numbers and facts what does it take to create a tonearm, in this case – linear-tracking tonearm Reed 5T.
Part Time Audiophile magazine, 11/2024 Richard H. Mak Reed 2B tonearm review in Part Time Audiophile magazine. PDF of the article (in English) can be
hi-fi+ magazine issue 219, 05/2023 Reed 5A tangential tonearm review in hi-fi+ magazine (United Kingdom). PDF of the article (in English) can be downl
STEREO-VIDEO, Issue 12-2018 Reed Muse 1C turntable and Reed 5T tonearm review in Stereo-Video magazine (Czech Republic). PDF of the article can be dow