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The Oslo HiFi Show in Norway!  In the main room, we are exhibiting a Muse 3C turntable equipped with two Reed 5A and Reed 5T tangential tonearms. Our partners in the show are Aesthetix amplifiers, DS Audio cartridge, PS Audio speakers, and Tellurium Q cables. Many thanks to our distributor


We are so grateful to our Japanese distributor for the Reed brand representation. Eilex Corporation participates in many shows (one of the last show photos you can see), organize presentations with famous audiophiles, product nominations in magazines, reviews, and many other activities. We are so happy to have such a


We are very happy that shows are coming back. After almost two years of silence in 2022, we are able to meet our customers, through our dealers, live, not only on the internet. That it is very important for customers too, shows a very high number of visitors. We want


In this years Audio Gourmet 2019 show in Vilnius, we'll be unveiling the prototype of a new Reed 5A tonearm. Introduced as angling-90-tangential-pivot-tonearm, it is based on Double Birch/Thales geometry and will complement our tangential tonearm lineup. As Reed 5A is still in development, neither it's price tag nor market launch